Programs Offered

The complex challenges posed by public health threats demand that public health professionals have a concrete understanding of the relationships among the various factors affecting health. In recent years, public health practitioners have grown increasingly aware of the value Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can add in developing an effective framework for action. This course will provide participants a platform to introduce fundamental concepts of the use of GIS within the public health context and build practical experience in the use of open source GIS software and spatially referenced data for effective program management.
  • Program Fee: Indian: 18000 INR , South Asian Candidates : SAARC states "Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka".

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    300 USD , Other International Candidates: 600 USD
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Policymakers, program staff and researchers face many questions related to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of public health programs in developing countries. M&E skills provide answers to these questions and are crucial to the successful design, implementation, and tracking of program progress and impact of public health programs. The eCourse on Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programs aims to strengthen the capacity of public health professionals actively engaged in the health sector. This course is designed for global health professionals to develop core competencies to design and implement M&E activities in both government & non- government sectors.

Admission open for January 2025 batch
Last date to submit online application is 31st October 2024.
  • Program Fee: Indian: 18000 INR , South Asian Candidates : SAARC states "Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka".

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    300 USD , Other International Candidates: 600 USD

In the ever-evolving landscape of global health, a silent but formidable threat looms large – non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Picture this: while the world often buzzes with news of infectious outbreaks and epidemics, a quieter, yet equally pervasive health crisis persists in the shadows. These are the chronic diseases that stealthily chip away at the vitality of communities worldwide, without the fanfare of headlines or the urgency of immediate contagion. Non-communicable diseases encompass a formidable array of health adversaries, from the relentless march of heart disease to the insidious creep of cancer, the metabolic maze of diabetes, and the suffocating grip of respiratory ailments. They don't discriminate based on geography, socioeconomic status, or age – they're striking young and old alike, whether in bustling metropolises or remote rural villages. Yet, the battle against NCDs is not a lost cause. It is a rallying cry for innovation, education, and collective action. It is about understanding the intricate dance between genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors that conspire to tip the scales towards disease. It is about empowering individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools to take charge of their health destinies. In this dynamic educational module, we embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment. We delve into the very fabric of NCDs, unraveling their mysteries, exploring their origins, and charting a course towards prevention and resilience. Through the lens of storytelling, science, and social impact, we illuminate the path towards a healthier, more vibrant future for all. Join us as we shine a light on the hidden epidemic, ignite conversations that matter, and inspire action that transcends borders and boundaries. Together, we can rewrite the narrative of NCDs, transforming them from silent specters to conquerable foes, and paving the way towards a world where health is not just a privilege but a fundamental human right.

This program creates awareness to reduce the NCD epidemic burden.

  • Duration: 3 Months
  • Program Fee: Indian: 1000 INR , South Asian Candidates : SAARC states "Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka".

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    17 USD , Other International Candidates: 36 USD
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