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eCourse in Advanced Hospital Management

Over a period of time Hospitals have been assumed to be an industry which requires to render quality of services to the clients (patients). Healthcare Industry is observing remarkable growth in last few years, though there are huge challenges before Indian healthcare industry such as demand for quality healthcare professionals, increase in patient's expectation considering quality aspects, access and transparency in healthcare delivery. This has undoubtedly opened opportunities for graduates to explore the field of Hospital Management as a bright career option. The brand of hospital is built up by its services and its staff. There are many pivots within hospital that might build up the brand and image of the hospitals like nursing staff, doctors and paramedics. Of all the constituents of a hospital frame work. Nursing, Front Office and the Doctor fraternity occupy prime positions in the constantly evolving environment of both Private or Public Health care management setup and its health delivery. They play a variety of roles within the healthcare as Administrators, Managers and Consultants who work in a variety of settings such as Hospitals, Nursing Homes. Primary Care Health Centres, Ambulatory Centres, Rehabilitation Facilities, and Integrated Health Systems.
Any graduate engaged or aspiring to join Healthcare industry.
Course Coordinator:
Program Officer:
  • Starts: 31 Mar, 2025
  • Last date for applying: 31 Mar, 2025
  • Duration: 6 Months
  • Brochure: Download
  • Program Fee: Indian: 30000 INR , South Asian Candidates : SAARC states "Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka".

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    370 USD , Other International Candidates: 740 USD