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eCourse on Global Perspectives for Climate and Health

Mode of classes Online - Synchronous learning
Platform VC platform-Yellowdig and Black board
Duration(Pass/Fail) Two Semesters (4 months in each semester)
Spring: January to April
Fall: August to December
Target participants Health and allied professionals including social sciences and humanities
Paid/Free 9000/- INR


eCourse on Global Perspectives for Climate and Health is an interdisciplinary (dental, medical, nursing, nutrition, and public health), international course which examine the impact of climate change on human health in various countries. Students from dental, medical, nursing nutrition and public health can opt for this course. This course is offered to the students of Finland, Nigeria, Oman, India and the U.S. Faculty (professors) and students from different regions of the world will study climate health science; strategies of mitigation and adaptation; local, national, and international policies; and real-time ground-level climate realities from each participating nation

Key learning objectives

  • Describe key stakeholders and the historical context of global climate action.
  • Analyse climate science as it relates to regional changes and projected changes in temperature, weather patterns, air and water quality, and food security.
  • Articulate the relationship between economic, political, social, and cultural factors that influence climate change local, national responses, and international responses.
  • Describe the implications of climate change on human health.
  • Evaluate policies, legislation and regulations that address climate change on human health in Finland, Nigeria, Oman India and the U.S, and the impact of these policies on the international community.
  • Develop plans to address climate change strategies for selected groups that include social, economic, geographic, lifespan, occupational, and gender vulnerabilities.
  • Analyse programs that mitigate, adapt, and build resilience to the health impacts of climate change at the local, regional, national, and global levels.

Offering institutes

  • Villanova University, United States of America
  • University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
  • University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
  • Sultan Qaboos University, Oman (joined from 2024 spring session)
  • Centre for Environmental Health, Public Health Foundation of India

Time and duration of the course

Divided in two sessions
  • Spring session: January to April
  • Fall session: 24th August to 4th December, 2024

Course structure is asynchronous, hence can be run simultaneously in participating countries by the respective faculties


None. Graduate and Post-Graduate students from medical, nursing, public health and allied disciplines including nutrition, social and behavioural sciences, environmental sciences can join the course. However, the participating institutions can decide their own criteria of student selection.

Mode of operation

The course is operating through Blackboard and Yellowdig online learning platforms. The teaching will cover a combination of lectures and video presentations, suggested reading and group activities besides providing a forum for interactive seminar using Zoom.

Course content

The course broadly covers the following 14 modules:
  1. Climate science historical context
  2. Analysis of climate data
  3. Climate vulnerabilities (people, systems)
  4. Climate change-induced migration of people/conflict
  5. Weather extremes-heat and cold waves
  6. Climate induced disasters- flood, drought and cyclones
  7. Climate change and Climate change and non-communicable
  8. Infectious diseases
  9. Food sustainability
  10. Health system preparedness, response, and resilience
  11. Climate change and mental health
  12. National and global policy and programs related to mitigation, adaptation and resilience
  13. Climate change and air quality
  14. Planetary health and One health concepts

Evaluation criteria

Criteria Percentage
Class participation and preparation 30%
Pre and Post Test (Pass/Fail) 10%
Climate Science test (Past/Fail >80% is passing) 10%
Reflection of climate, health, and culture 20%
Group class seminar presentation 30%

Class participation and preparation

To prepare for each class students are expected to complete required readings, view videos, and examine the current reputable media (newspapers, radio, web sources). You will find the discussion groups within each module found in the learning platform, Blackboard. Discussions will take place in YellowDig

Pre & Post-test (Pass/Fail)

There will be a pre-test at the beginning of the course and a post-test at the end of the course to determine your overall learning in the course. Students must complete the pre-test at the beginning of the course and the post-test at the end of the course to earn the overall grade for this evaluation criteria

Climate science test (Past/Fail)

After the climate science unit, there will be a multiple-choice exam to determine basic competence in climate science. Students must earn an 80% by week 4. Students may retakethe climate science test up to three times

Reflection of climate, health, and culture essay

Students have to write a 4-5-page essay on: How does the economic, political, and cultural status of a country/region influence climate and health responses?

Group class seminar presentation

This is a culminating assignment. Student groups will review and critically analyse a national climate change adaptation plan, policy, or program. They will address how the plan, policy, or program addresses human health and its impact. Consider how this plan, policy, or program is related to global goals such as COP agreements (Paris Agreement, COP 28), SDGs, and international recommendations (IPCC, WHO, World Bank). Critique the plan as it relates to what students have learned about the country and what you have learned in this course. The work should demonstrate the use, analysis, and integration of current literature, science, data, and official documents.You may use whatever media to make your presentation (i.e. PowerPoint, video, brochures etc.) and discuss the climate change plan.

Course Coordinator:
Program Officer:
  • Program Fee: Indian: 9000 INR