Burden of tobacco consumption poses a serious threat to the health and economy of countries around the world. The problem is even worse in the Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). Tobacco use has also been classified under mental and behavioral disorder by the International Classification of Diseases (ICDs). In, India every third adult consumes tobacco. With less than 2% quit rate, the value of tobacco cessation service in India is much undermined and its resultant benefit is yet to be realized. It should be reviewed on priority to deliver tobacco cessation services appropriately and effectively since it is well established that a minimal intervention by a healthcare practitioners can bring an abstinence of about 6 weeks in a tobacco user. It is in response to this serious public health challenge that Strengthening Cessation Capacity of Primary care Professionals (SCCoPE) is launched in collaboration with the Global Bridges consortium where you get all the required information on the tobacco cessation techniques. SCCoPE provides a specially designed training program for the healthcare practitioners to assist their client quit tobacco.
Our aim is to equip all healthcare practitioners with an evidence based brief and intensive model that they can incorporate into their routine practice to encourage and support patients/clients to quit smoking.
The course provide a knowledge base on the health risks of tobacco use, benefits of quitting, resources to support tobacco quit attempt, referral pathways to support services, create a resource network and training model for tobacco cessation that can be advocated for scaling up.
It is a 3 month program offered by the Public Health Foundation of India ( The course comprises of presentations, videos, reading materials, vignettes and pertinent quizzes on tobacco cessation
This program is relevant to physicians, dentists, nurses and other healthcare practitioners wishing to gain an in depth understanding in tobacco cessation techniques and want to implement these techniques in their day to day practice.
The core topics covered in the training program are:- Introduction
- Tobacco and Health
- Theories of Addiction
- Behavioral and Psychological Approaches for Cessation
- Pharmacological Approaches for Cessation
- How to Develop A Tobacco Cessation Centre
- Patient Follow Up.
- Evaluation of Cessation Practices & Programmes. Each chapter will end with a quiz and case study based on the content of the respective chapter along with medical vignettes showing the application of theory in day to day practice. The main language of instruction would be English.
Our unique approach is the capacity of the healthcare physicians’ on the various tobacco cessation practices. We introduce a wholesome online training program for the physicians on tobacco cessation which will help them to support the tobacco users to quit. The SCoOPE webpages will also act as a resource center to learn about the recent advances in tobacco cessation techniques. The distance learning course will employ a blended online teaching/learning methodology. This methodology comprises fortnightly virtual lectures, interactive online computer-based sessions and online assessments. The learning opportunity and pedagogic structures provide an environment where students across medical professional backgrounds come together to solve complex problems in a cross-disciplinary team environment.
At the end of three months, an online examination in the form of multiple choice questions (MCQ) will be held. Participants will receive an electronic copy of their certificate though e mail. The certificate would be jointly given by PHFI & Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. In, addition, we will publish the names of certified SCCoPE practitioners on the certified ractitioners list on our website.
Course Coordinator:
Program Officer:
- Duration: 3 Months
- Brochure: Download
- Program Fee: Indian: 20000 INR , South Asian Candidates : SAARC states "Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka".350 USD , Other International Candidates: 700 USD
- 0124-4781400